terça-feira, 5 de abril de 2011

Kalashnikov's wall of death

Kalashnikov's wall of death during "Brothers in Africa" performance in Optimus Alive! '08 in Lisbon
Awesome :D
(btw that fat fuck should get his ass kicked!)

17 comentários:

  1. Brutal! I'm absolutely going to check out more of their music. Are there any other songs you would suggest?

  2. They only have 1 album released, they're some sort of ironic band. they ironicaly criticize the war and violence.
    Their Only album is "Oh Yeah Motherfucker".
    I like some other songs they have like "One Love, One family", "Tiananmen", "warriors of the hezbollah" and definitly "Peace is Dead".

    Listen to these :)

  3. sounds awesome, started listening "one love, one family" and I really liked it

  4. Well....the music is awesome, but I'd prefer if I could understand what he was saying :P But I still prefer Power Metal

  5. You never know where and how a new great band might emerge. Sweet stuff!

  6. Pretty brutal man. The crowd though, they looked a little confused, lol.

  7. Good moshpid, there is much, much better ones though. Link some of those badass crazy ones when there is like 1000 people! :D

  8. I was actually there! :D

    It was sick.
